

发布时间:2009-10-06 10:22:00

内容提要:广东省汕尾市梅陇中学2010届高三摸底考试    Greatness is all around us. It’s easy to be great because great people will help you. What is  21  about all the conventions I go to is that the greatest in the business will come and  22   their ideas with everyone. I have seen the greatest salesmen open up and  23  young salesmen exactly how they did it. They don’t  24  . I have also found it true in the world of  25  .

    第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    Seven weeks into my trip in Europe, I arrived in Paris. I had been on a night bus from London for many hours(there had been an accident and the traffic delayed our arrival time). Unfortunately for me, I cannot sleep sitting up, so 1 was tired out. My difficulty increased when we arrived at the bus station. Day hadn’t broken and my clothes felt slightly wet by raindrops. How I wanted to take a bath in warm water but the bathrooms required French Francs. Obviously I didn’t have any and ATMs don’t spit out coins。so I had no way out.
    Determined to quickly find a hostel, I set out. No hostels near the bus station this time. I made my way to the Metro(subway system in Pairs). I was completely brain dead at this point and my years of high school and college French classes had deserted me. I stood staring at the board showing the Metro routes. I had no idea how to get to my hostel.
    I must have looked very pathetic(可怜的)and sad, standing there with my heavy backpack on and stating blankly at the Metro board without understanding. Just then, thank God, a kind French  businessman came up to me and asked me in English if he could help me. Obviously, I was not familiar with the locals at this point(backpack marks you as a tourist). He not only found a hostel for me but also helped me buy some Metro tickets and wrote 0ut in English the route I should take on the Metro to get to the hostel. My savior!
    I thanked him, and a thank you was all I could give him for his kindness at that time.
    41. It was          when the writer got off the bus from London.
    A. dawn                   B. raining
    C. snowing                   D. just after midnight
    42. The writer failed to take a warm bath because
    A. there was no ATM
    B. he didn’t find a bathroom
    C. he didn’t have any French Francs on him
    D. bathrooms were out of service at that time’
    43. The underlined part “I was completely brain dead” in the second paragraph probably means that“          ”.
    A. my brain didn’t work any longer    B. I couldn’t think out anything useful
    C. I forgot all the French I had studied     D. I was too tired to think anything
    44. The writer stared at the Metro board
    A. and found the right way
    B. to find some information in English
    C. so that someone else could help him
    D. but he couldn’t get something useful from it
    45. From the passage we can infer that
    A. the writer successfully arrived at the hostel at last
    B. the businessman lent the writer some money
    C. the businessman bought the writer the metro tickets
    D. the businessman took the writer to the hostel himself

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