

发布时间:2009-10-06 10:14:00

内容提要:高中英语教学交流网 http://zshunj.cn

    听力理解:1-5: ACBBC   6-10: BABCC  11-15: CBBCC
    16. Professor and students   17. encourage them    18. was lazy
    19. The harder            20. Lincoln
    完形填空;21-25: B C B D A 26-30: D A C A C
    语法填空31.starting    32.known    33.However    34.in    35.by
    36.were based     37.because    38.another    39.into   40.that
    阅读理解41-45 CDACB  46-50: D A C B D  51-55: D C C A D
    信息匹配 56. B  57. A  58. F  59. C  60. E
    An earthquake measuring 8.0 degrees on the Richter scale hit/struck Wenchuan at 2:28 on the afternoon of May 12th,2008,which killed  more than 79,000 people and caused over 340,000  injured at the same time and over 90% of the buildings were destroyed. However, the brave Wenchuanese will not be beaten down by the disaster. Now they are saving themselves with the help of the PLA. We strongly believe the city is to be built to be a modern beautiful city again.
    A year has passed, but never should we forget the damage the earthquake caused to them and those who are still in terrible trouble, so we should try our best to help them out, for it is our fine tradition of our Chinese people.
    The passage tells us the advantages and disadvantages of air travel. Because of high speed and convenience, air travel becomes many people’s favorite, while some people avoid air travel, due to the high price and people’s worry about accident.
    There are a number of travel methods in the modern world. Nowadays many people prefer plane travel, because now fares on taking a plane are decreasing. Yet after the day of disaster, September 11th, people’s worry of hijacks became strong even though many actions have been taken to guarantee passengers’ safety. At the same time, train travel and driving cars are still popular because of the low cost and enjoyable scenery along the road. So people now have a variety of means to travel. When it comes to me, I would prefer traveling in a luxury train, reading a novel, tasting milk tea, and enjoying a relaxing morning on a train.

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