

发布时间:2019-03-25 13:45:00


I still keep the photo taken by my mom and treasure it as my life. That was many years ago when I was taking summer classes in college and was moving into an apartment. I was carrying two suitcases with everything that I was going to need to get through the 6 weeks of classes. It is the last time I can remember ever traveling that light.


点击这里听听这首travelling light的歌曲。

Since then my possessions have grown. Though most of them like my furniture are useful, there are occasions when I feel weighed down by all of them.I am sure that I will need two trucks rather than two suitcases if I ever move again.


One thought, however, brings me comfort. It is the knowledge that when I make my final journey from this world-I am dead,I won't take any of those things with me. The only things I will take with me will be what I have packed in the suitcase of my soul .I will be carrying with me every kind thing I ever did, every loving thought I ever shared, and every bit of laughter I ever brought into this world to make others laugh.I will be carrying all the goodness I gave to others, all the love I was able to share, and all the joy I created. These things won't be weighing me down. Instead, I will be surely lifted up.


As you are ready for your own final trip -completely prepared, make sure that you should not make your travel heavy. Make sure that the belongings in your home always take second place to the love in your heart. When you unpack it in Heaven, God and all His angels will smile.



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