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来源:高中英语教学交流网 发布时间:2015-08-04 16:59:00 查看次数:


I _______  ________ Miss Chen ________  ________ us from joining the

music club.

72. 虽然iphone4s很好,但是爸爸和妈妈都不打算给我买一部。

_________ the iphone4s is good, ______ Dad ________ Mum _______ going to buy one for me.

73. 玛丽还没有决定何时把那个坏消息告诉她的好朋友。

Mary hasn’t decided ________  ________  ________  ________ the bad news to her good friends.

74. 今天天气真好!跟我去散散步,怎么样?

________  ________ weather it is today! _______  _______ going for a walk with me?

75. 我们的运动会于上学期在暨南大学操场成功举办了。

Our sports meeting _________  ________ successfully on the playground of Jinan University last term.

1. It is already two years s ___________ we met last time.

2. When I went p ___________ the classroom, I saw her cleaning the floor.

3. --- What do you usually do for f ____________?

--- I usually listen to music when I am free.

4. Unluckily, he fell down on the ground and h _____________ himself on the back.

5. Dick writes a d _______ in English every night. He hopes to keep a good memory for the future.

6. After a long walk he felt hungry and t__________.

7. It’s going to rain soon. Please c_______ all the windows before you leave.

8. Rock music is p_________ with young people now.

9. If you make a m__________, you should apologize at once.

10.This new classroom is big enough to h__________ more than 60 students.

11. You needn’t pay for it. It’s f_________ for everyone.

12. Please don’t make any n_______. The baby is sleeping.

13. He was very h_______ after the hard work . He felt he could eat a horse.

14. We are going shopping this afternoon. Would you like to j_____ us?

15. We should try to h_______ the people in trouble instead of laughing at them.

16.  When you get home, please t_______ me.

17.  The mobile phone is too e       . I won’t buy it.

18 .  B__________ it or not, I have passed the exam.

19. It is quite d_____to play football on the street.

20. Jack’s dog can sit, count numbers and shake h_______with people.

21.  ------Shall we call a taxi?

------No. Taking a taxi c________ too much money. Lets go by underground.

22. ----- Where are you going?

------ I’m going to the l________ to return the books. I’ve kept themfor two weeks.

23. She gets up at 6:30 as u______ and cooks breakfast for her family.

24. ---- Can Jim carry the desk?

-----Sure. He’s strong e________ to carry it. He’s already 15 years old.

25. We should s _______ the drivers from drinking. It’s too dangerous to drive after drinking.

26.The exam is coming.But don’t give yourself too much p_________.

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