
发布时间:2012-02-29 09:23:00

内容提要:Mr Zhao is weak and cannot do much for himself without getting breathless and dizzy.

Units 1-2
1.set down 记下;写下
2.in the first place 首先;第一;原先
3.burst into sth. 突然而猛烈地发出或产生某事物
4.centre on/upon 将某人(某事物)当作中心或重点
5.concentrate on 专心致志于
6.Tour de France 环法自行车赛
7.keep track of 记录;掌握……的线索;保持对……的联系
8.stand out 突出;出色
9.be diagnosed with... 被确诊患有……(疾病)
10.in a row 连续,一连串
11.lead sb.to do sth. 致使某人做某事
12.apply for 提出申请(或要求等)
13.make for 走向;向……前进;有利于,有助于;倾向于
14.get a better understanding of... 更充分地理解……
15.head down to... 向……进发,动身
16.hang ten (冲浪运动中)作十趾吊
17.in the name of 以……的名义;代表
18.push on(with sth.)毅然继续(做某事)
19.run out of 耗尽;用光
20.apart from... 除……外(尚有)
21.set sail(to/from/for...) 起航
22.compete for 为……而竞争
23.in search of 寻找
24.give birth to 生;产生
25.as long as (表示条件)只要……
26.at the height of 在……顶点;在(事业等)的高峰
27.for once and always 一劳永逸地
28.be made up of 由……构成;组成
1.Tian’anmen Square is the largest square in the world with an area of about 40 hectares.(with引导的短语作定语)
2.Impressive as the record is,it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.(as引导让步状语从句时要倒装)
3.July 13,2001 saw a very bright night in Beijing that will never fade in history.(see在该句中的意思是“目睹;经历”)
4.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.(一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。)
5.It was not until 1874,when a young American explorer followed the Nile from Lake Victoria through to Lake Albert,that this part of the river’s course was finally explored.(强调句型)
6.It was believed that the northern coast of this continent lay somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.(It is/was
believed that...人们相信……)
Units 3-4
1.as a consequence(of )作为(……的)结果
2.the Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亚联邦
3.go walkabout到灌木丛中闲逛
4.break out(指激烈事件)突然发生
6.round up使集合在一起
7.stand for代表,代替;象征,意味着
8.have a strong/great influence on...对……有重大影响
9.benefit from...从……受益
10.differ from...和……不同
11.be fond of喜欢
12.have fun with开玩笑
13.set foot on踏上
14.give birth to生;产生
15.in area在面积上
16.keep out(使)在外
17.all the year round终年
18.have access to接近(或进入)的方法(或权利、机会等)
19.on a large scale大规模地;大范围地
20.pass away去世;逝世
21.belong to属于
23.at first sight 乍一看(之下)
24.be born into 出身于
25.have an appetite for 爱好……
26.look out for 照料,照看……
27.put together 把……放在一起;把……加在一起
28.work out 做出;设计出;制订出;算出
29.make contributions to 对……作出贡献
30.adapt to 适应
1.Many Aborigines and islanders were moved and had their land taken away from them.
(have sth. done 结构)
2.Only in this way could the people in Australia build a society of diverse cultures.(倒装句)
3.Some books are to be tasted;others swallowed;and some to be chewed and digested.
4.Shanghai is not longer what it used to be.
   5.It was Joseph Banks who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.(强调句,强调句子的
